
Have a great testimony? Tell us your story!

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  • I want to tell you that Audioverse's ministry has helped me get back to God. For almost a year I have not read the Bible. Our church is going to start a 40 day fast for the second coming of Christ and that started me thinking on getting right with God. As I work, I listen to the Bible for several chapters every morning and then I listen to a sermon or two from Audioverse. God really is so AMAZING!! Because I started last week to budget I wanted to start tithing again and here was a sermon series about finances and debt and the biblical implications by Pastor Reid. It was on time exactly what I was looking for. THANK YOU GOD! That YOU inspired so many of your children with the idea of Audioverse. May God keep using all of you.
    I. S. from Maryland, USA, 1/28/10
  • I'm a mother of 2 toddlers, a breadwinner, and a full time RN, and my life is just full of activities be it at work, at home and church... Your site is a very big blessing to my sagging spiritual life... God bless you and as soon as I am able to, I would like to give my support through donation. Thank you for making audioverse happen!
    M. G. from California, USA, 1/28/10
  • Audioverse: perfect content for the iPod =D
    V. C. from California, U.S.A., 1/27/10
  • Can't live without this.
    S. L. from California, U.S.A., 1/26/10
  • I come from a remote part of Kenya and AudioVerse has been a great blessing to me and my family. Keep up the good work and may God bless you.
    E. O. from Nairobi, Kenya, 1/23/10
  • Just want to let you know how much I greatly appreciate this ministry. Especially the new mobile add on. May God continue to bless you abundantly.
    S from USA, 1/21/10
  • Hello Brethren: you are asking if I enjoy audioverse and I would like to say that is one of my "lifelines" right now. Whenever I come home from work I open my laptop and listen to sermons while doing chores around the house, with bluetooth technology. When you were offline for two days I had a hard time. It is amazing all that I learn and get inspired by the messages. It is being a REAL blessing to me...thank you and may the Lord bless all your efforts.
    I. from Ontario, Canada, 1/21/10
  • Thank you so much for placing these messages online! I am working in the mission field, and have been needing an extra boost to my spiritual diet. These sermons have been as "meat in due season" for me! Thank you again, and God bless this ministry!
    R. O. from Calcutta, India, 1/18/10
  • This site is a HUGE blessing. With a i pod full of these sermons I can go through the day at work..."working on both worlds" at the same time. It is great to have this available. Thanks
    R from California, USA, 1/13/10
  • I just love your website. It is OUTSTANDING!!!! Keep up the good work.
    L. S. from Martinique, 1/13/10
  • Thank you so much for being here. I've told everyone back at home to listen to and watch GYC and others to go to AudioVerse. God has granted you a longer lease on line. God bless you guys!
    H. S. from Georgia, USA, 1/12/10
  • WOW all of these great resources available to me in Africa! A friend just visited from Portland OR and told me about this website. Downloads are now on my Ipod touch and enjoyed as I travel with my work. What a feast! Thank you
    D. W. from Malawi, 1/8/10