
Reflect and Renew January 2023

Part 4

A Rebellious Son


Have you had a no-good, very bad day? In today’s story, David thought that his life was going well, but things began to go very badly. David’s son Absolum killed his brother and then he attempted to take over as king. Can you imagine how David was feeling? Maybe you are having a bad day or a rough year. Listen to today’s episode of Reflect and Renew and learn how David refreshes himself and connects with God.

Contributor: Our guest contributor, Deb, shares how this has been a tough year. Their family has faced financial struggles, health challenges, and another move. Maybe you can relate! But Deb shares with us a special verse that has helped to see her through this year and has given her comfort and hope.

Parent Series

Reflect and Renew January 2023


Starting with Jesus


January 24, 2023, 6:00 AM

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