
Righteousness by Faith

Part 5

Revival and Reformation in the Last Days


We all believe that the Lord is coming again very soon. The signs of the times are all around as never before. Prophecies are being fulfilled. Did you know that was just as true from 1890-1900 and that revival was breaking out in God’s church? Could it happen again? Could it be happening now? What does God want from us today? What will it take for the final Revival and Reformation that prepares the Remnant Church for Christ’s return?

Parent Series

Righteousness by Faith

Parent Conference

Michigan Camp Meeting 2018: As a Witness, Matthew 24:14


Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


June 22, 2018, 3:30 PM

Copyright ⓒ2018 Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

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