
3-Sharing the Faith

Part 1

Teaming Up Health and Gospel Evangelism: Touching Lives, Teaching Truth, and Gaining Decisions


Health and gospel evangelism combined are a powerful tool for personal renewal, church revival, and public evangelism. Participants will discover exciting new methods and tools for personal growth as well as home, neighborhood, and church outreach. Learn how to teach a balanced, truth-filled message of health, restoration, and end-time truths in a convincing, professional, and winsome way. Experience practical guides for gaining decisions, discipleship, and developing successful, connected evangelism events.

Parent Series

3-Sharing the Faith

Parent Conference

ASI 2017: Called. Chosen. Committed.




August 3, 2017, 10:45 AM

Copyright ⓒ2017 ASI.

Free sharing permitted under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 (US) license.

The ideas in this recording are those of its contributors and may not necessarily reflect the views of AudioVerse.