This seminar will be led off by Pastor Mark Finley. He will share tips on how to initiate a spiritual conversion by offering to pray with your patients. Dr. Brian Schwartz will then share stories from his practice where praying with patients was the pivotal factor to achieving a great physical outcome, in addition to the spiritual impact it has had on his patients and how just starting with prayer has changed his practice into a ministry. Dr. Schwartz was inspired and began implementing prayer in his office after hearing Pastor Finley many years ago at one of the rst AMEN conferences.
Dentist, Dr. Brock Arms will then share his experiences praying with patients after he was inspired by Dr. Schwartz’s “Praying with Patients” seminar given at an AMEN conference just a couple years ago. Together they will share powerful testimonies on how to begin using prayer in your practice.
1. Discuss the value and importance of praying with (for) patients
2. Identify “do’s and don’ts” in clinically based prayer 3. Demonstrate how to begin praying with patients
October 28, 2016, 2:00 PM
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