February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Earlier this year we shared with you our vision of making AudioVerse an even more effective outreach tool. Recognizing that many of the messages on AudioVerse are not geared for a non-Adventist audience, we set out to create a new network of sites with specially curated content from the AudioVerse library designed to be focused on non-Adventists users. You can read our previous blog post introducing this project to get caught up on the details. But today, we are happy to announce that Journeys Unscripted, our outreach site focused on personal testimonies, is now launched! You can find us at JourneysUnscripted.com.
We made a short promo video that you can share to help spread the word:
We aren’t simply building a website and hoping that people find us, we have created a line of Journeys Unscripted tracts for YOU to share as a literature evangelism tool. Each tract contains a gripping story abbreviated from the audio version, links to hear the rest of the story as told by the speaker, as well as an opportunity to sign up for free Bible studies.
Members of our team have already been passing them out, and since everyone loves a good story, they are incredibly easy to give away! No one’s turned us down yet! We are so excited about these tracts as tangible outreach tools that we want to get them into your hands today because we KNOW that they will help you to lead others to Christ.
Our first three titles include:
Check them out at the AudioVerse Store, and order some for yourself, your family, and your church’s literature rack. Stay tuned because more tracts are on the way in the year to come!
To increase our outreach online, we also have a brand-new Facebook page and Instagram account for Journeys Unscripted. We look forward to interacting and engaging with a wider audience through social media, and so we want to get as many people to like, follow, and share these pages as possible!
We are so serious about this, that we are having a drawing for someone to win a brand-new Journeys Unscripted t-shirt, so pay attention to find out how you can win!
Between now and December 20, if you LIKE the Journeys Unscripted Facebook page and you LIKE this Journeys Unscripted t-shirt post, you will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a Journeys Unscripted t-shirt! Yes, that’s right you have just two steps:
And you will be entered as long as you do it by December 20. That’s all there is to it! Just make sure you perform both steps and we’ll send you a message for more details if you win. (And bonus points if you share and follow us on Instagram too!)
For those of you who will be attending GYC in Phoenix, please come visit us at our booth to find out more about Journeys Unscripted, to get your hands on the new tracts (we’ll have lots!), and also the new Journeys Unscripted t-shirt! We’ve got some other surprises in store for our friends at GYC, so we look forward to seeing many of you there!
Journeys Unscripted is just one additional step in our mission to reach as many as possible with the Gospel. The urgency of this work is great, and we simply have no time to lose. We pray earnestly that the Lord will help this initiative to prepare many more hearts to be ready when He comes.
Besides spreading the word about this new resource with those in need of Jesus, it’s not too late to partner with us financially to help these outreach projects continue in the new year! Your tax-deductible gift is essential for AudioVerse to create other resources like Journeys Unscripted and to touch countless additional lives in the year to come. To give by check, simply write us at our address below, or you may give online at our donate page.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. May the Lord richly bless you in this Christmas season.
On our journey home,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. Journeys Unscripted has officially launched! Visit our new outreach website to see and hear our collection of powerful personal testimonies, and share it with all your friends! To help make doing that easier, we’ve created a line of tracts based on some of the stories. Each tract includes easy links to listen more or to sign up for free Bible studies. You can check them out at the AudioVerse Store. Also, you have a chance to win one of the brand-new Journeys Unscripted t-shirts! By simply by LIKING the Journeys Unscripted Facebook page and LIKING this t-shirt drawing post [LINK] before December 20, you will be entered in the drawing to win one!
P.P.S. AudioVerse has a lot of plans to reach more people with the Gospel in 2018, and it will be possible only with your financial support. Thank you for considering a year-end, tax-deductible gift today to help extend the influence of this ministry into the new year. You may give by check to our address below, or on our online donate page.
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315