The AudioVerse Executive Team are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the ministry. This group of dedicated individuals with their their common passion for the proclamation of the three angels' messages is what keeps this ministry running.
Executive Director
Alistair Huong
From his stand-up desk, Alistair oversees the strategy and day-to-day management by ensuring that we are doing the right things and that we are doing things right.
Business Manager
Debby Williams
With her background as a CPA, wife, and mother, Debby capably manages the finances, HR, and correspondence for the ministry.
Technology Director
Nathan Arthur
Nathan contributes to the ministry by solving big problems, managing development projects, and keeping the ministry’s technology humming.
Digital Marketing Coordinator
Liz Neascu
A social media dynamo, e-commerce go-getter, and energetic marketer, Liz helps grow our social media audience and oversees our digital marketing efforts.
Assistant Operations Coordinator
Annette Roblero Miller
All the media on AudioVerse has Annette’s fingerprints on it. She works with partners, obtains content, edits them, and publishes them on AudioVerse.
Software Engineer
Matthew Leffler
Frontend, backend, full-stack and more. Matthew churns out code and builds beautiful things all while walking on a treadmill.
Board of Directors
The AudioVerse Board of Directors provides guidance and vision for the ministry. This dedicated group of individuals with their collective experience and wisdom helps the ministry steer a true course in advancing the work of the Lord.
Tim ArakawaChairman (Co-founder) | Physician, Albany, Oregon