Brian Schwartz

Brian Schwartz

1 Teachings

Dr. Brian Schwartz is an interventional cardiologist practicing in Kettering, Ohio. As a medical student, he struggled with his faith, nearly coming to the point of giving up. He was reclaimed through a deeper understanding of the meaning of Christ's sacrifice and its implications for his personal life. Dr. Schwartz struggled for years with the nagging conviction that medicine should be more than just a job. He longed to make his medical work a healing ministry. His association with AMEN (Adventist Medical Evangelism Network) has helped him to integrate Christian spirituality into his practice in a more intentional and more natural way. It brings him joy to share with his patients the message that has so touched his heart. Dr. Schwartz serves as the editor of Medical Evangelist, AMEN's journal. He and his wife, internist Lyndi Schwartz, MD are a powerful ministry team.

AMEN 2010: Christ - Patient Restorer