February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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By faithfulness in little duties, we are to work on the plan of addition, and God will work for us on the plan of multiplication. – Christ's Object Lessons 360
One of the reasons why technology has been an instrumental tool in the spread of the Gospel is its ability to rapidly multiply the influence of God’s Word and His messengers. From the printing press to the radio and television, and now to the Internet, each technological revolution resulted in an exponential expansion of the reach of the Word of God.
However, mere telecommunication advances are inadequate for the work of the Gospel to be finished. From the dawn of human history, God had ordained that His salvation message must be delivered through the means of His human agents—you and me. Jesus Himself demonstrated this vital truth to us in that He, the Word of God, had to become incarnate in order for the plan of redemption to be fulfilled.
So today, I believe the work of the Gospel will be best completed through a synergy of earnest personal labor combined with the efficiency of technology. Technology should assist and amplify the human missionary, not replace him.
My friend, Calvin, is a busy dentist who demonstrates this in his own personal ministry. He recently shared with me how he pairs individualized attention with the tool of AudioVerse to help his many Bible study contacts. Here’s the story in his own words:
"I have found AudioVerse to be indispensable for my Bible study contacts in helping to nurture them in their early Christian walk and as a deterrent against the barrage of distractions coming from the world via social media!
I start them off first with inspiring/powerful testimonies of lives that were changed by the gospel. For example, if my Bible study contact is struggling with the Sabbath, I'll turn them onto Steve Kasperbauer's testimony of how God blessed his business in a miraculous way when he began to keep the Sabbath. I share many other resources that pertain to their needs and soon, they begin exploring AudioVerse on their own and begin to feast on the plethora of presentations available there.
I currently have over 20 Bible study contacts. I can only meet with each of them for 1 hour per week. They need more than this in order to offset what the Devil is throwing their way. In the digital world that we live in, AudioVerse provides the perfect and effective solution."
Calvin’s able to multiply his time and influence by leveraging the resources on AudioVerse to help his Bible study contacts in a personalized way. What a testimony of efficient personal evangelism!
Best of all, we know that this ministry is bearing fruit because one of his Bible study friends recently just got baptized! Here’s Rikki telling his side of the story:
"I started doing Bible studies with a local dentist in my town. Soon after we started studying, he encouraged me to listen to AudioVerse. This app has been such a blessing to me as I'm learning so much truth. As an automotive technician, I have the luxury of being able to listen to things on my phone all day while I work. Now I am able to listen to God's word through AudioVerse while I work. I look forward to this coming Sabbath as I'll be getting baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist church. Having one on one Bible studies coupled with the gift of AudioVerse has been instrumental for me in coming to know the truth about God and His incredible love for me. But it gets even better—my wife and son will be coming to my baptism and they now want Bible studies! Thank you AudioVerse, may God continue to bless your ministry!"
“Amen!” to this encouraging testimony! May we each use our personal influence alongside the technological tools at our disposal to reach as many souls as possible for Jesus! (And be sure to listen to Calvin share more practical tips on how to live a life of active outreach in his talk, “One Life to Live, One Life to Give.”)
Outpost Centers International and many of our sister ministries have been tirelessly at work in providing humanitarian and spiritual aid to those suffering from the crisis in Ukraine. For the past few weeks, OCI has put out live updates on the work being done in real-time on the ground in Ukraine. Specific needs and opportunities are highlighted so we know how best to support them.
These updates are available on AudioVerse if you have not seen them already: OCI Ukraine Live Updates
And you may continue to give to the Ukraine relief effort at OCI via this link: Ukraine Emergency Relief Fund
(Note: To give to the work for Ukraine, please donate directly to OCI through this link and not to AudioVerse.)
God asks us to work on the plan of addition while He works for us in the plan of multiplication. So whether in giving Bible studies or supporting relief work for the displaced, God can multiply what we offer to Him.
At AudioVerse, our mission is to spread the Word of God and its influence. This life-changing mission is not possible without your partnership, and so we ask that you please consider a gift today to help extend the impact of this ministry. To give a one-time gift or to set up recurring donations, visit our donate page. Or you may give by check to our address below.
Thank you for your support, and we know God will multiply it to benefit many others.
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315