February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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You don’t need me to tell you that something is happening in the world.
I’m not merely referring to the pandemic that’s sweeping the globe nor the economic fallout that’s resulted. But I am referring to the opening of countless hearts and minds around the world to receive the Gospel.
People are hurting. They’re looking for answers—grasping for any vestige of hope that they can find. How do I know this?
Simple. There have been record numbers of people listening and watching the messages on AudioVerse from all over the world in the last few weeks.
And friends, we have the ultimate hope to share with them. The hope of the Second Coming of Jesus!
We are told that before the last great crisis to come upon the world, we should expect spiritual revival as a sign of the times.
Before the final visitation of God's judgments upon the earth there will be among the people of the Lord such a revival of primitive godliness as has not been witnessed since apostolic times. (GC 464)
We know historically that generally after a period of severe calamity, follows a period of great spiritual awakening and revival. As the world is slowly opening up again after the social distancing lockdowns, are we ready for the opportunity that is right ahead of us?
Right now, people are searching, they’re craving something they can count on—and they’re looking online! It is my sincere belief that AudioVerse is needed now more than ever. The world is ripening for harvest, and I pray that we will be ready to seize this moment without delay.
And that is why I am asking for your help today.
We need your financial support to be able to continue bringing hope to an increasingly hopeless world. This is the time for us to be advancing in God’s work and not retreating. Your resources are crucial to enable us to make inroads into the enemy’s domain and to reach those hurting souls with the hope that is in Jesus.
I also want to make you aware of some of the incentives that were included in the recent CARES Act passed by the US Congress, which offers some tangible benefits for charitable giving for our US donors:
Please consider a gift to bring the Three Angels’ Messages to a dying world online today! You may give at our online donate page, or by check to our address below.
Thank you for helping us take advantage of this precious window of opportunity!
Your fellow online missionary,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. If you want to catch up on all the latest updates regarding COVID-19 from a Biblical and Adventist health message perspective, check out our COVID-19 playlist here: COVID-19 Playlist. More messages are being added all the time.
P.P.S. There is a precious window of opportunity before us to reach people online with the Everlasting Gospel! The circumstances in the world is leading countless of desperate souls to look online for answers and for hope. There’s no telling how long this golden opportunity will last, so we need your help to reach them! Please consider a gift today to keep AudioVerse proclaiming the message of eternal hope in Jesus online! Donate here!
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