February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Are you still thinking about Christmas gifts you need to get? Well, I’d like to share with you some of the amazing resources on the AudioVerse Store site that would make a great gift for your loved ones or just a great way to bring AudioVerse home in a tangible way.
Be sure to keep reading below because we have a special Holiday Promo just for you, too.
Our StoryTime Adventures stories have been repackaged into an audio 3-CD set just in time to make it a great Christmas gift to a special young person in your life. These exciting, character-building, true-life stories will make great companions for the kids on road trips or at home.
StoryTime Adventures audio 3-CD set
If you or someone you know has questions about the Biblical teaching of the Godhead, this is one of the most thorough yet readable resources available. It leaves no stone unturned in its analysis while the author presents his case in a courteous and understated way. Available in both physical and ebook formats, this book deserves a spot in every Adventist’s library.
The Trinity book or The Trinity ebook
People often join the church through baptism but slip out the back door imperceptibly shortly afterwards. This book is an indispensable tool in closing that back door by giving practical instruction in how to become a committed disciple for Jesus. It is a great resource for a newly converted believer and for the member who will be mentoring that new believer in the church. This book has recently been revised and updated by the Personal Ministries department of the General Conference, and is actively being used in personal evangelism around the world.
These GLOW-tract-sized tracts that highlight personal testimonies found on Journeys Unscripted have gotten a great response since they’ve been released. After all, everyone loves a good story! With four testimonies currently available addressing various common human experiences and questions, these stories are an effective tool to have in every literature evangelist’s toolkit. They are great for literature racks in churches, medical offices, or businesses too!
Forgiven, Why Would God Love Me, Time to Decide, Free at Last
It’s easy to wear your faith on your sleeve with AudioVerse’s growing line of witnessing t-shirts and apparel. From Scripture-based designs that spark spiritual conversations or shirts that point people to the powerful resources on AudioVerse’s diverse platform, there are options to suit every taste and style. Help spread the word about AudioVerse while making a statement about your faith at the same time!
We are also happy to announce that from now until December 31, you can get a FREE GIFT on all purchases of $11.99 or more on the AudioVerse Store site! For orders $11.99 or more, you will get a free pack of our Journeys Unscripted tracts. For orders $19.99 or more, you’ll get two packs, and orders $29.99 and over will get three packs! We encourage everyone to be literature evangelists, so make sure to take advantage of this deal while it lasts!
As the year draws to a close, please consider making a financial gift to AudioVerse as well. This ministry is able to operate through the generous support of financial partners like you. Your gift will ensure AudioVerse will continue to be able to reach the world online in 2019. As a special holiday bonus, PayPal Giving Fund is matching all gifts 1% while also covering all of the credit card transaction fees, so that’s right, your donation to AudioVerse will be worth 101%! But hurry, this special bonus ends on December 31.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. From now until the end of the year, each purchase of $11.99 or more on the AudioVerse Store will come with a free pack of Journeys Unscripted story tracts! Orders $19.99 or more will get two packs, and orders $29.99 and over will get three packs! This is our gift to you to share the love of Jesus with others in the coming new year. So don’t delay!
P.P.S. While Christmas gifts are on your mind, please consider a gift to AudioVerse this year too! Until December 31, all gifts made through PayPal Giving Fund will be matched, so 101% of your gift will go toward advancing the mission of the Three Angels’ Messages through AudioVerse! Visit our PayPal Giving Fund page to give today!
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