February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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I travel a fair bit, and everywhere I go I meet people whose eyes light up when they find out I work with AudioVerse. (Often, it’s like they just met a long-lost friend!) But almost invariably, the first question people ask next is:
“So how is AudioVerse funded?”
Indeed, this is the most frequent question I get asked about AudioVerse. I suppose it makes sense that people are curious how a service that provides content for free is able to sustain itself, even though many of them are not surprised when I say that we are donor-supported. In a way, I am grateful that people actually have to ask, because it means we don’t have a reputation of constantly asking for money—I rather people know AudioVerse for the messages that they hear and the work that we do!
In just the past few months we have heard…
I can go on recounting the amazing testimonies we hear from users around the world, and I can say with confidence that the work of AudioVerse is changing lives for eternity!
These stories are what keep us focused on the mission of taking the Three Angels’ Message to the world through technology. We accomplish this by being as responsible and efficient with our resources as possible, and that is why you don’t hear us asking for money all the time. We would rather focus our resources on doing the actual work of reaching more people with better content, rather than merely fundraising or generating revenue. We praise God for how much He’s been able to multiply the loaves and fishes for His work, but the reality is that this ministry can only function through the generous, continued financial support from partners like you.
AudioVerse is not a large organization with a big fundraising team or a large promotional budget. We believe that as we carry out the mission in an effective manner, like-minded partners will recognize the value of what we’re doing and will join together with us in accomplishing this great work. We would like to keep it that way, but we are coming in a bit short for our budget for this year. So as you plan your year-end contributions, please prayerfully consider if you would be willing to help a bit more than you did last year or a bit more than you were originally intending this year. Your financial support will ensure not only that the life-changing messages will continue to reach users around the world uninterruptedly, but it will allow our team to dedicate more attention and resources toward accomplishing the mission.
You Can Give 101%
Starting on Giving Tuesday, November 27, through December 31, PayPal Giving Fund will match your gift to AudioVerse an additional 1%. This service already eliminates any credit card transaction fees, so with this added bonus, a full 101% of your gift can go toward supporting the mission of AudioVerse this holiday season! Click here to donate on the AudioVerse PayPal Giving Fund page. Of course, you may also give by check to the address listed below.
AudioVerse is your ministry just as much as it is for the countless users who depend on it every day for spiritual encouragement. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of those thousands through your generous support.
Your ministry partner,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. AudioVerse is a ministry laser-focused on the mission of taking the Everlasting Gospel to the world, and we would rather spend our time doing just that instead of fundraising. However, this ministry is possible only through the support of people like you. We are coming in a bit short of our budget for the year, so we ask that you prayerfully consider whether you can do a bit more in support of this work this year. Your contribution is vital in ensuring not only that the ministry is able to continue changing lives around the world through free truth-filled messages, but in allowing our team to focus more time on the actual Gospel mission than raising funds. Thank you for your financial partnership! You may give by check to our address below, or even better, give through PayPal Giving Fund, and AudioVerse will get 101% of your gift!
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315