February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Have you ever conducted a health program at your local church—perhaps a CHIP, weight-loss, diabetes reversal, or depression recovery program—and you wanted to invite the visitors to join you for Bible studies or a prophecy seminar afterwards but didn’t know how to do it in a way that wasn’t awkward? Have you met individuals who had interest in health-related topics, but you weren’t sure how to awaken their spiritual interest? Do you have trouble explaining how health topics have anything to do with your church and beliefs?
AudioVerse is launching a course today that serves to bridge this gap in our evangelistic outreach.
Secrets to Living Stronger and Living Longer is a course designed to train individuals in your local church in how to conduct a seminar that transitions an individual smoothly from health meetings to spiritual meetings. Pastor Don Mackintosh, with experience as both a registered nurse and a pastor, will teach you how to use the book of Daniel as the basis for a series of meetings that harnesses both scientific and scriptural evidence to spur an individual into a deeper study of God’s Word. This course will enable you to help others see the integral connection between the health message and the Three Angels’ Message.
If your church plans to conduct health programs and wants to make the biggest spiritual impact on the visitors, you will want to take this course. Encourage the key leaders responsible for those initiatives at your church to take this training, and you will see an improved effectiveness in retaining health interests and transitioning them to having spiritual interest.
Visit the Secrets to Living Stronger and Living Longer course page today for more information.
In case you missed our announcement last month, Scripture Songs are now available on AudioVerse!
With nearly 400 songs in our library already, these verses set to music will help all members of our families to effectively hide God’s Word in their hearts. Just visit the new Scripture Songs section of our website to start listening now! And for those wanting to listen on the go, Scripture Songs will be accessible in our mobile apps soon.
Here's to living stronger and longer!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. AudioVerse is launching a new course called, Secrets to Living Stronger and Living Longer. Taught by Pastor Don Mackintosh, this course is designed to aid your church in effectively transitioning visitors with interest in health programs to having spiritual interest in the Bible. This course is sure to enhance your church’s evangelistic efforts, and you don’t want to miss it!
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315