February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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AudioVerse is embarking on an initiative that, I believe, can have more impact on the world than anything else we have done so far.
With over 16,000 messages in our archive and well over 4 million downloads every year, AudioVerse has touched countless lives with the Everlasting Gospel. However, the vast majority of these messages are delivered in the English language. We recognize that the Gospel is to reach “every nation, kindred, tongue, and people”, and so we realize that we need to do more to fulfill this great task. To that end, we are undertaking a long-term endeavor of translating many of our best English messages into other languages.
As you know, we have launched a number of sites in other languages through the years and there are calls for us to launch new ones all the time. However, one of the big challenges we face is that for many languages, sources of solid, Bible-based messages are few and difficult to obtain. Looking at what God has already placed in our hands, we realize that we have a tremendous opportunity to offer the same life-giving Truths that has been available to our English-speaking users for many years to the rest of the world by translating them into their language.
Here are the steps involved in this process:
In keeping with our commitment to accomplish the Lord’s work as efficiently as possible, this process prevents the need for major investment in new equipment, extensive travel, or any new content screening. In fact, once the first two steps are completed, the transcripts generated from there can be easily reused for translation into other languages as well. Our focus initially will be to strengthen the existing language sites we currently operate, but with experience and capable partners, our goal is to speed up the process by which we can launch new sites.
In the first phase of this initiative, we are focusing on the Japanese language.
Since AudioVerse Japanese launched at the end of 2016, Japan has climbed to become one of the top 10 countries for downloads. Interestingly enough, most of the languages downloaded there are in English and so we believe that there is a huge untapped potential for messages presenting the same truths in the native Japanese language.
Not to mention, the General Conference’s Total Member Involvement initiative spearheaded a nationwide series of evangelistic campaigns in Japan just last month! In the wake of that activity, the Lord and His angels are working earnestly on the souls of many Japanese men and women as we speak. And AudioVerse wants to be there to provide them ongoing spiritual sustenance through the digital medium. We are already processing evangelistic material from those meetings which will be available on our Japanese site soon, but that’s not all…
I am happy to report that translation work has already begun on a first series of messages by Taj Pacleb. In fact, self-sacrificial volunteers have already made headway on the first three steps in the process above, and are ready to embark on the fourth. Each sermon requires approximately 15-20 hours of work from start to finish, so you can imagine how much effort it takes for these team members. Their dedication is inspiring, but we recognize that this level of sustained effort over the long-term is not reasonable on a fully volunteer basis. So to support these self-denying workers and to hasten the completion of this project, we are soliciting your help to fund the completion of this project.
Our target for this project right now is $20,000, which will primarily go toward funding the dedicated ministry workers and students who are spending long hours doing the heavy work of Japanese translation and narration.
We ask you to prayerfully consider a gift for the advancement of the Three Angels’ Messages in Japanese and other languages. This is a project that we believe has the potential to be of even greater impact than what AudioVerse has done so far, and we know it is a work that the Lord will bless with success. The Everlasting Gospel must be preached “to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people!” We invite you to partner with us in this exciting endeavor.
You may give by check to our address below, or you may give using your credit card at our donate page here. Be sure to note “Translation Project” for your funds to be allocated for this project. Any surplus funds beyond what is needed for the translation of the initial Japanese series will be applied to future translation needs.
Thank you for partnering with us to take the Gospel to the world!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. We are embarking on a long-term initiative to translate many of AudioVerse’s English messages into other languages, beginning with Japanese. Work has already begun on the first series of messages and we need YOUR HELP to bring this vision to fruition! We are looking to raise $20,000 for this project and any surplus will go toward future translation needs. Please give today to help us take the Gospel “to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people”!
P.P.S. It’s not too late to register to attend the ASI International Convention in Orlando, Florida from August 1-4! The theme this year is, "Business Unusual" and I'm sure you will receive a big blessing from attending. AudioVerse will be there at Booth 1109 and we’d love to visit with you.
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315