February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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When we launched Journeys Unscripted three months ago, it was the first step in our vision to make the existing content on AudioVerse more accessible and impactful in our evangelistic efforts. In just a few short months since we launched this personal testimonies website, we’ve already begun to see results.
Individuals are already signing up for Bible studies through the site from places around the world as far flung as Malaysia and Indonesia!
This confirms to me that real stories of God’s power in real people’s lives have real power! “And they overcame him…by the word of their testimony…” Revelation 12:11. We believe these stories can lead many souls to Jesus, and so that is why we need your help to spread the word!
We’ve created a powerful literature evangelism tool in the form of story tracts that are super easy to share. Each tract contains an abridged version of a powerful testimony from Journeys Unscripted along with a link to hear the rest of the story and to sign up for Bible studies. Thousands of these tracts have already been distributed in just the past few months and the responses have been tremendously positive.
Just from my family’s experience, we’ve been able to share them with people like delivery people who come to our house, the guy we sold our car to from Craigslist, and the tired lady working at the airport counter just to name a few! No one has turned us down yet, and I suspect it’s because everyone loves a good story! And it’s that fact that makes these tracts so incredibly nonthreatening to share with anyone.
These tracts have even been a blessing in places like this literature rack at a local thrift store:
So we encourage you to consider ways to share these tracts with people that you come in contact with. Perhaps you can stock them in the literature rack at your church, use them for outreach activities, or make them available in the waiting room at your business or clinic. We know doctors and dentists who are making these available to their patients already now.
We have a tract that deals with the question of “Why Would God Love Me?”, to a story about overcoming addiction, and also one about the urgency of making a decision for Jesus before it’s too late. To check out these exciting tracts that we have available right now and to place your order, just visit the AudioVerse Store.
We’re working on more story tracts as we speak, so stay tuned for more to come!
Besides the tracts, you can share about Journeys Unscripted online too! Just visit the Journeys Unscripted Facebook and Instagram pages to Like and Follow us. Then use your social media influence to share these powerful stories with your friends!
This is just the beginning for Journeys Unscripted and what we believe the Lord wants to accomplish through this initiative. We know there are countless other individuals who would be won to the Lord if they could only hear how Jesus has saved others just like them. Your help is vital to enable others to hear!
If one soul in the Kingdom is worth the priceless treasures of heaven, then how ready we ought to be in investing in their salvation. Your financial support will help continue the mission of AudioVerse to prepare as many as possible for the Lord to come. Your gifts will enable the production of more tracts, the development of more tools to reach more souls, and the hastening of our Lord’s return. Thank you for your support in enabling this work to happen.
To make a financial gift to AudioVerse as a partner in this important work today, you may give by check to our address below or by credit/debit card via our online donation page.
By faith, I trust that there will be many souls in the Kingdom because of our sacrifice to reach them today. And I just can’t wait to hear THEIR testimonies when we get there!
Your fellow pilgrim,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. People from around the world are coming to know Jesus through Journeys Unscripted! The power in these personal testimonies are reaching hearts and moving individuals to turn to the Bible, and so we invite you to help spread the word! Whether by distributing the easy-to-share story tracts that are available at the AudioVerse Store, or sharing the stories on social media, or giving a financial gift to advance this work, we thank you for making a difference in touching many lives.
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315