February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history. LS 196.2
500 years ago, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door in Wittenberg and the world would never be the same again. Do we remember the way the Lord has led His people since then? Do we remember His teaching in our past history? Verily, the Protestant Reformation of the 16th Century is inextricably tied to our faith and experience today, and it is at our own peril that we forget that.
However, as powerful voices today declare that the protest is over and that it's time for the rift between Protestants and Catholics to heal, it seems that many have indeed forgotten what we were admonished to remember. May we never forget these inspired words that echo down the corridors of time:
The Reformation did not, as many suppose, end with Luther. It is to be continued to the close of this world's history. GC 148.4
To help us remember our role in the Reformation, AudioVerse is excited to share with you several series on this very topic. You will be encouraged and your faith will be rekindled as you watch or listen to these messages and share them with your friends.
This symposium by the Adventist Theological Society on the campus of Southern Adventist University investigates whether the Protestant Reformation was merely a misunderstanding, and details subjects such as Martin Luther's views on the Antichrist, what the Sea-Beast is up to now in recent Counter-Reformation developments, and even how art was used as artillery in the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. To check out this series, click here: Commemorating the Reformation after 500 Years: Just A Misunderstanding?.
Episodes of the Lineage Journey series of short films have been released each month on AudioVerse and will continue throughout the next year. This engaging and fast-paced series takes you on-location to better understand fascinating anecdotes and key events in the Reformation, helping you see how individuals and their personal choices can affect the course of human history. Click here to see the first episode, entitled, “Constantine: Compromise & Controversy”. To visit their website and to check out this series in other languages, visit LineageJourney.com.
This 4-part on-location feature-length documentary will help you follow the descent of the world into the Dark Ages where the Light was obscured to how it was rekindled again through the providences of God. This exciting series will uncover the machinations of the enemy in darkness and will show how the Lord never allowed His Light in the earth to go out. Click here to see the first episode entitled, “Descent into Darkness”. To visit their website and to check out this series in other languages, visit LightUnshackled.com.
Speaking of the Waldensians who faithfully preserved the apostolic faith for centuries before Luther was even born, Inspiration says this:
Scattered over many lands, they planted the seeds of the Reformation that began in the time of Wycliffe, grew broad and deep in the days of Luther, and is to be carried forward to the close of time by those who also are willing to suffer all things for “the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Revelation 1:9. GC 78.1
The Waldensians and the Protestant Reformers left for us an example of fidelity to God regardless of circumstances, firm and unflinching commitment to the principles of His Word, and fearlessness in uplifting Christ that made popes and emperors tremble. But just like the histories of the faithful men and women heralded in Hebrews 11, “they without us should not be made perfect” (Hebrews 11:40). May we emulate their example, and rise to the challenge of carrying the torch of Truth that they lit, until the close of time.
Your fellow Protestant,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. In commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, there are three exciting series on AudioVerse recounting this valuable history that we want to share with you. The Reformation after 500 Years: Just A Misunderstanding, a symposium by ATS at Southern Adventist University catches us up to speed on the latest in the Counter-Reformation and more. Lineage Journey and Light Unshackled are two on-location video documentary series that detail the riveting stories of how God preserved His people and His Truth through the Dark Ages and how we can play a part to keep that flame burning until the close of time. You can watch today on AudioVerse and share them with your friends!
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