February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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I recently heard a story about a gentleman named Tad who was introduced to AudioVerse around 2008. He worked 10-hour shifts, Monday through Thursday, in a noisy manufacturing job where he had to wear headphones for ear protection. So what did he do to improve his time? He filled his MP3 player with AudioVerse sermons! The only problem? The battery on his MP3 player lasted just 6 hours. So that Christmas his family got him a second MP3 player so he could make it through the full 10 hour shifts without missing any sermons! So each shift, for 10 hours, he would listen to the preaching of God’s Word.
And he would do this for the next SEVEN YEARS.
Through this unique education, Tad learned about Bible prophecy—things like the 2300 days and the 70 weeks. He learned about archaeological evidences that show the Bible to be true and reliable. He learned about stewardship, Adventist history, the Adventist lifestyle, and so much more. And most importantly, he learned about Jesus and he chose to accept Him as Lord and Savior.
Seven years after he started listening to AudioVerse, Tad decided to give his life to God through baptism. And today, he is going through the AFCOE training program to become even better equipped to serve the Lord.
Hallelujah! This is the reason why AudioVerse exists.
AudioVerse exists for the purpose of preparing people for the coming of Jesus through the use of technology. What MP3 players were to Tad back in 2008, smartphones are to us today. We have an unprecedented opportunity to reach directly into the palms of people’s hands through this incredible technology, and we must take advantage of it. There are many others just like Tad who need to hear the Truth, and there is no more convenient way to access them than through the device that they already carry in their purse or pocket.
This is why our team has been hard at work improving our mobile apps.
So we are happy to announce that available now for Android and iOS, is the AudioVerse App 2.0. This brand-new version of our app implements many suggestions we received from our users, and is wrapped in an updated, clean new user interface. We believe this new app will make it easier than ever for mobile users around the world to receive the same blessings that led Tad to the Lord.
While the AudioVerse team believes that technology is a wonderful tool to reach souls for Christ, it requires continual effort to stay up-to-date. And as you know, keeping up with it isn’t free. So please consider partnering with AudioVerse financially today to enable more souls to be reached through technology!
You may give a one-time or recurring gift by credit card through our donation page here, or you may give by check to our address listed below. Of course, you can also support AudioVerse through every Amazon purchase by selecting us as your charity of choice at AmazonSmile.
Tad had the opportunity to find the Lord through the messages on AudioVerse because of the generous support of individuals just like you. Let’s work together to reach the many more like him!
With a hopeful heart,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. Tad was a young man who “studied his way” into Adventism by listening to AudioVerse sermons ten hours a day at work on his MP3 player for seven years! We believe there are many others like him who can be reached through technology, and for that purpose we have launched version 2.0 of the AudioVerse App. Available now from the iOS App Store and Google Play Store, this new app will make it easier than ever to hear God’s Word wherever we are. Consider a financial gift today to enable further technology developments to reach even more souls for Christ! You may give online at our donate page, or by mail to our address below.
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315