February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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One of the deepest mysteries that humanity has grappled with throughout the ages is that of Divinity. God is so much bigger and so far beyond us that the only hope we have of understanding anything about Him would be if He chose to reveal Himself to us. Praise His name that our God longs for us to know Him, and so has revealed what we need to know about Him in His Word.
As we study to understand who God is, may we ever maintain the spirit of humility and only accept what is clearly revealed—no more, no less. We are told in The Ministry of Healing, page 429:
The revelation of Himself that God has given in His word is for our study. This we may seek to understand. But beyond this we are not to penetrate. The highest intellect may tax itself until it is wearied out in conjectures regarding the nature of God, but the effort will be fruitless. This problem has not been given us to solve. No human mind can comprehend God. None are to indulge in speculation regarding His nature. Here silence is eloquence. The Omniscient One is above discussion.
This subject of the Godhead has been a point of fascination for Adventists throughout our history, and there appears to be a renewed interest recently regarding this doctrine. So, in the effort to seek an understanding of what God has revealed about Himself while maintaining the spirit of a humble learner, I would like to share a few resources on AudioVerse to help those interested in studying more.
We are also happy to announce the availability of Glyn Parfitt’s book, The Trinity: What Has God Revealed? Objections Answered in the AudioVerse Store. This volume is the result of a decade of research into the topic of the Godhead by Brother Glyn Parfitt in Australia.
Despite the robust research, voluminous citations, and its impressive 846 page count, this is an incredibly readable and easy-to-understand book for the layperson. Brother Parfitt has left no stone unturned in his research and this is the single most thorough resource on the topic that I have encountered yet. You will also find the spirit of the author to be one of fairness and humility. He is modest in how he states his conclusions and he treats those with whom he disagrees with tremendous respect while yet standing firmly on God’s Word. The lofty and sacred subject matter is handled with the reverence that it demands, and is organized in such a manner to make it a handy reference tool. I believe this is a helpful resource that every pastor, religion teacher, and theologically-inclined lay member should have in his or her library.
This book is available now on the AudioVerse Store, and to our knowledge, this is the only place the physical book is available currently in the United States. But because it is no longer in print and the only remaining copies are in Australia, our stock is limited.
We also wish to extend a special thanks to Brother Parfitt for allowing us to share his seminar series and allowing us to distribute his book, as well as for his years of diligent research into this topic.
Let us study to show ourselves approved unto God,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. The AudioVerse Store now has in stock the book, The Trinity: What Has God Revealed? Objections Answered. This is one of the best resources you can find today on the topic of the Godhead. It is thorough and robust in its research yet is very easy to read. The author stands firm in defense of Biblical truth yet is respectful to those with whom he disagrees. This is a valuable volume to add to your theology library.
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