February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
1m read
As the cold winter winds begin to blow through our area of Tennessee, the bright red and golden leaves of autumn are being scattered across the landscape. This brings to my mind the poignant word picture Mrs. White used to describe the work of spreading the Truth:
The truth must not be muffled now. Plain statements must be made. Unvarnished truth must be spoken, in leaflets and pamphlets, and these must be scattered like the leaves of autumn. - Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 9, p. 230
What leaflets and pamphlets were in her day, I believe equate to all manner of media in our day. From the printed page to television, radio, Internet, and social media, the unvarnished truth must be scattered like the leaves of autumn! The reality is, even if we aren’t doing this work, someone else is spreading his message in this manner. See what we’re told in Publishing Ministry, p. 349:
Satan is busy in this department of his work, scattering literature which is debasing the morals and poisoning the minds of the young. Infidel publications are scattered broadcast throughout the land. Why should not every member of the church be as deeply interested in sending forth publications that will elevate the minds of the people, and bring the truth directly before them? These papers and tracts are for the light of the world, and have often been instrumental in converting souls.
The Devil has masterfully blanketed the world with his media. We are inundated with his lies everywhere we turn! But at AudioVerse, we strive every day to turn the tide against the enemy by making available media that “will elevate the minds of the people, and bring the truth directly before them.”
And praise God, His Word does not fail! Listen to this encouraging testimony from Veronica, a young lady in Michigan:
If it wasn't for AudioVerse, I may have never discovered what it really means to be an Adventist. At age 16 my iPod was at first filled with music and audio novels that did nothing to enhance my relationship with Jesus. But after discovering one sermon on this site I was not only hooked on the messages found here, but more importantly on the word of God! Sermons began to replace music and audiobooks. A short time later for every song on my iPod there was a dozen or so sermons!
Every message downloaded onto Veronica’s iPod was a golden autumn leaf of truth that counteracted the effect of the enemy’s media. Praise God for the over 3 million “leaves of truth” scattered through AudioVerse so far in 2016 alone!
I shared last month about the new AudioVerse Japanese site, and I am excited to announce that it will be launching this Friday, November 25, 2016. It’ll be the best deal on Black Friday! We pray the Lord will use this new site mightily to reach our Japanese brothers and sisters.
As you know, the work of AudioVerse is possible only through the generous support of partners just like you. In this season of giving, I want to share with you the many ways in which you can give to partner in this work of scattering the truth like the autumn leaves through digital media.
As you do your Black Friday or holiday shopping on Amazon this year, remember to go to AmazonSmile where 0.5% of every purchase gets donated to AudioVerse. Just follow the link provided for you, or manually select AudioVerse as your charity of choice. Click here to support AudioVerse through AmazonSmile.
Similar to AmazonSmile, Giving Assistant is an online service that allows you to give while shopping at nearly 2000 other online retailers. By clicking through the AudioVerse Giving Assistant link to your qualifying online store, you will receive a percentage cashback on your purchases. You can then select all or a portion of that cashback to be automatically given to AudioVerse. In fact, between now and Giving Tuesday, November 29, Giving Assistant with match every dollar you choose to give AudioVerse--DOUBLING your gift! Click here to support AudioVerse through Giving Assistant.
For every credit card donation that is processed through PayPal, a transaction fee is deducted. So from each donation, only around 97% actually gets to the ministry. PayPal has a new service where there is no transaction fee and 100% of donations can go directly to the ministry. To do this, simply give via the AudioVerse’s PayPal Giving Fund page. (Note: If you do this, you will receive your tax-deductible receipt from PayPal Giving Fund and not from AudioVerse.)
Actually, from Giving Tuesday, November 29 until December 31, 101% of your donation through PayPal Giving Fund will go to AudioVerse! That's right, in addition to wiping out transaction fees, they are matching an extra 1% on top of your gift through the end of the year!
If you prefer not to open a PayPal account or prefer the traditional methods of giving, we’ve got you covered too. Checks can be sent to our mailing address below, and you can easily make a credit/debit card donation on our donate page here. Consider becoming a recurring partner to help support this work all throughout the year!
For those who wish to leave a lasting legacy in support of the work of AudioVerse, we have partnered with Western Adventist Foundation to provide charitable gift annuities as an option for our financial partners. For more information, visit their website (www.wafsda.org) or call them at 866.356.5595.
As you plan your year-end giving, please consider a special gift to help scatter the leaves of truth around the world online. Your financial partnership is essential for the work of AudioVerse to advance! Thank you for your continued support!
With Gratitude,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. The Truth needs to be scattered like the “leaves of autumn”. We’re told that the Devil is doing this very thing with his lies! There’s no time to lose to counteract his influence, so we invite you in this holiday season to consider giving generously to advance this mission together with AudioVerse. There are a variety of options to partner with us from shopping through AmazonSmile and Giving Assistant, to donating through PayPal Giving Fund which eliminates the transaction fee, to setting up a charitable gift annuity, or simply giving by check or credit card. No matter how you choose to give, we thank you in advance for your continued support!
* Charitable gift annuities are NOT AVAILABLE in the following states: AL, MD and WA; Annuities for CA and IL residents are provided by the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; Annuities for HI residents are provided by the Hawaii Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; and Charitable gift annuities to benefit AudioVerse in all other states are provided by Western Adventist Foundation. Western Adventist Foundation provides no legal advice. Individuals should seek the advice of their own legal counsel.
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315