February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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For the past 11 years, the central mission of AudioVerse has been to leverage the power of technology to take the Three Angels’ Message to the whole world. Beginning as an English-only ministry, we’ve gradually added support for new languages as we’ve been able to through the years. Despite relying entirely on the sacrifice of volunteers, we’ve been able to launch sites in Spanish, German, French, and Chinese.
Launching and maintaining a language site requires a tremendous amount of effort. Beyond the translation of the website, there is ongoing sermon recording, editing, processing, data-entry, correspondence with native language speakers, and much more that goes into running the site. Most importantly, we require team members who have the necessary technical skill, are fluent in the tongue, are sensitive to the culture, and who share the same commitment to Bible truth and the Adventist faith as we do. As a small ministry with limited resources, we aren’t able to hire dedicated staff for each language, so we rely on the right volunteers to join the team. So we rejoice whenever the Lord brings the right people together to help expand our influence to new languages.
Today, I’m happy to share with you that the Lord has opened the door for AudioVerse to launch AudioVerse Japanese, a brand new site for the Japanese-speaking people.
As you are already aware, Japan is one of the most secular countries in the world with only a fraction of Christians, and even fewer Adventists, within their nationwide population. They are also arguably the most technologically advanced society in the world. With their high fluency with online media as well as a huge need for the Everlasting Gospel, we believe the Lord will use AudioVerse Japanese mightily to reach hearts that were closed to the Truth before. Seeing how powerfully the Holy Spirit has been able to transform lives through all of the existing language sites on AudioVerse, we are confident that He will do the same for our Japanese brothers and sisters.
A team of dedicated Adventist young people with the Upper Room Ministry in Japan have already been active in personal evangelism in their country, and now they will bring that same zeal and commitment to work with us in bringing AudioVerse Japanese to their people.
Our AudioVerse Japanese team is actively uploading messages to the new site right now to get it ready to launch soon. This site will bring the same Bible-based, Spirit-filled, Christ-centered, and distinctly-Adventist messages that can be found on the English site to the Japanese-speaking people. We are excited about this initiative, and look forward to launching within the next few weeks.
Every language and people-group in the world need to hear the Gospel, and we praise God for opening the doors to increase our sphere of influence to one more new tongue. But we also know that the work is vast and there is much more to do. So we want to give you an opportunity to partner with this expanding work through a financial contribution today.
Your financial partnership with AudioVerse is essential to enable effective ministry opportunities such as our international initiatives. The Truth has no shortage of new territories to enter, so please consider what the Lord may be placing upon your heart to give to support this work at AudioVerse. You may give by check to the address below or online at our donate page.
Yours in the Blessed Hope,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. AudioVerse is going to Japan! A dedicated team of Japanese Adventist young people have volunteered to help us launch AudioVerse Japanese—a brand new language extension of AudioVerse that delivers the Three Angels’ Message in Japanese. With the tremendous need of Jesus in that society coupled with a high level of technology literacy, we believe this is a golden opportunity to bring the Everlasting Gospel to the Japanese! Please consider a gift to AudioVerse to help advance the work of spreading the Truth to many more around the world. You may give by check to the address below or online at our donate page.
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315