February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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My family and I just returned from a trip to Malaysia where I was one of the speakers at the 2016 Army of Youth conference. It was a blessed event where I was able to meet with many precious individuals from various countries in Asia. And do you know what was a consistent refrain I heard from just about everyone I met?
“We love AudioVerse!”
It’s always remarkable to me to see the influence of AudioVerse around the world. How a few megabytes of data uploaded to the Internet from our office in Tennessee can reach across the globe to transform the life of a young person in Southeast Asia. The over quarter million downloads each month we see in our statistics never tell the whole story until we meet real live individuals who share how AudioVerse has touched their lives. Technology has made it easier than ever to efficiently communicate the Three Angels’ Messages to all corners of the globe, and we praise God for the opportunity to work with Him in reaching countless souls around the world!
Recently for family worship, my wife and I have been reading stories of faithful Adventists who lived under Communism. Some risked their lives smuggling Bibles into their country, other colporteurs trekked all night through the forests to avoid being caught as they journeyed from town to town, yet others suffered hunger and physical beatings as a result of their evangelism. Their commitment to and sacrifice for the Gospel under harrowing circumstances reminds me that the transmission of the Gospel hasn’t always been as easy as it is now—nor will it always remain this way.
The following quote comes to my mind often:
The work which the church has failed to do in a time of peace and prosperity she will have to do in a terrible crisis under most discouraging, forbidding circumstances. [5T 463.2]
It’s obvious that the times of peace and prosperity won’t last forever—and I believe they are drawing rapidly to a close. Just take a look at the love of many waxing cold in society around us, the natural world waxing old like a garment, and the uncertainties all throughout the political realm. Jesus is coming soon, and there is a great deal of work left to do! Let us seize the lingering moments of freedom before we must push the work forward during much more difficult times.
Our team at AudioVerse is motivated every day by this reality, and we strive to do all we can to advance the Gospel as quickly and effectively as we can. Will you join us?
Your generous financial support is what enables this ministry to continue proclaiming the Three Angels’ Messages online to places like Malaysia and beyond. Each dollar represents scores of messages being made available for the world to hear. Please consider either a one-time or recurring gift via our online donate page, or a gift by check to our mailing address below. Thank you on behalf of the thousands who will be able to hear the Truth because of your partnership.
Jesus shares in Matthew 24:45-46 that His faithful servants will be found giving “meat in due season” when He returns. May we be found faithfully so doing when He comes.
Let us work for the night is coming!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. AudioVerse is having an impact all around world! But there is still a lot of work to be done during the time of peace afforded to us today. Will you partner financially with AudioVerse to push this work forward while there’s still time? Consider a one-time or recurring donation to AudioVerse at our online donate page or a gift by check to our address below.
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315